~ A Blog About Mindfulness and Other Musings~
Join me along this journey called life as we travel ever so gently, serenely, and mindfully.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Make a Wish

I am currently making wishes:

1) For my husband to attain a full-time teaching position (he is currently teaching half days in a Gr. 2 classroom).
2) For us to find a house that is affordable but that also touches our heart in some way.  A place we can truly call, home.
3) For us to have grateful hearts despite whatever we feel are our hardships
4) For us to dwell in peace within, so that we may be emissaries of peace outside ourselves

Wishing you the fulfillment of your wishes too.

Photo taken within Boldt Castle


Contributor said...

Have unwavering faith that your wishes will come true - and expect a Miracle!

Vær våken said...

I really hope your wishes come true!!! And that frog photo is just amazing!! Have a lovely week!

Kristin xo

FourDaysAWeek said...

Thank you for sharing your wishes. I believe they are coming true. Thank you for creating this beautiful space. I am honored and grateful to be listed as one of the blogs that "Nourish...Body, Mind, and Soul."

Love the journey you are on. Wishing you the best each step of the way.


P.S. Something I thought you may also like for your journey: a beautiful music video, Breathturn ༄ http://bit.ly/iaNvdZ (which inspired IF YOU FOLD A THOUSAND CRANES).

Serenity said...

Thank you to all for the encouraging comments. They give momentum to the fulfillment of wishes.
Wishing you all kindness and joy.